Educational Background:
Maui High School
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Post-Bacc Teaching Certificate in Mathematics, University of Phoenix
Teaching Experience:
Although my first love was the application of math and science in the "real world", I have thoroughly enjoyed my 19 years here at Moanalua Middle School. Shaping young minds and helping others to appreciate and enjoy math has been a rewarding experience so far. I started at MMS as a special education teacher, and have since been fortunate enough to watch our school transform into a wonderful place to learn at, as a 7th and 8th grade math teacher, and now a Career and Technical Education teacher with an emphasis on Engineering Design and Design Thinking.
Something About Me:
Maui No Ka Oi!! I was born and bred on Maui, and still call it home.
Everyday is a new day!!
Everyday is a new day!!